Many organizations has been utilizing the benefits of information technology to gain competitive advantage in their respective businesses. As a result, the number of software development companies increased many folds during the last three decades. As the competition increased, the need for delivering good quality software within the committed schedule also increased. Even today many software companies have to deal with the consequences of delivering poor quality products, schedule and cost overrun problems. Many software quality and development frameworks have been suggested in the past to get rid of the aforementioned problems and a lot of research has been carried out in the field of software quality management and practices. In this paper, the authors provide a review of the major research works published in the field of software quality management. The study found that the research works in the software quality can be classified into five categories namely studies exploring the relationship between software quality and (i) total quality management implementation, (ii) adoption of quality management systems like ISO 9000 series of standards, (iii) capability maturity model level, (iv) development of defect prediction models and (v) quality management and evaluation practices of specific categories of software development process. The authors also tried to identify the gaps in existing research and future areas of research in software quality management.

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