Medicine and Medical Sciences


Expression of E-Cadherin, Her2/neu, and P53 in endometrial carcinoma: Relation to different clinicopathological predictors of the prognosis

Nahed Soliman, Sahar Ali Mohamed, Deaa Fekri Morsi

Page: 407 - 415

Med. and Med. Sciences November 2018 vol. 6(11)

Original Research Article

ISW for the Treatment of an Adult Female Class II div. 2 with obvious chin button

Chun-shuo Huang, Jian-hong YU

Page: 392 - 406

Med. and Med. Sciences November 2018 vol. 6(11)

Original Research Article

Herbal Kushta of Cuprous oxide as a Nephrotoxic Agent - An Experimental Study

Hira Kareem, Maryam Rashid, Nadia Naseem, Nagi A. H.

Page: 387 - 391

Med. and Med. Sciences November 2018 vol. 6(11)

Original Research Article

The Impact of Dental Caries Severity on the Quality of Life of Children Aged 8-10 Years Using Child's Perception Questionnaire (CPQ 8-10) in North Mamuju, Indonesia

Burhanuddin Daeng Pasiga, Fuad Husain Akbar

Page: 379 - 386

Med. and Med. Sciences November 2018 vol. 6(11)

Original Research Article