Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences


Bio–Compost Field application to control major soil borne fungal diseases and improvement growth and yield of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants

Riad S.R. El-Mohamedy, Fatma A. Rizk

Page: 139 - 148

Agric.Science and Soil Science October 2015 vol. 3(9)

Original Research Article

Effect of different growing Medias on Cucumber Production and Water Productivity in Soilless Culture under UAE Conditions

Naem Mazahreh, Arash Nejatian, Mohamed Mousa

Page: 131 - 138

Agric.Science and Soil Science October 2015 vol. 3(9)

Original Research Article

Effect of Light Color and Stocking Density on some Behavioral Traits of Broilers and Layers

Mudhar A. S. Abu Tabeekh, Tariq F. Shawkat

Page: 122 - 130

Agric.Science and Soil Science October 2015 vol. 3(9)

Original Research Article