Arts, Social Science and Humanities

The mission of the discourse in this Paper on the irreversible de-industrialisation in Zimbabwe is to line up a coterie of prominent journalistic personalities from the private media (Private media from the print media comprise the dailies the most prominent of which circulating in the Harare region are Newsday and Daily News. The weeklies from the private print media are the Standard, Financial Gazette and the Zimbabwe Independent. The emphasis on the private media is for strategic reasons i.e. they are famous for balanced reporting meaning they state facts and figures as they are on the ground without fear, favour or prejudice. Whereas the public print media such as the daily Herald and weekly Sunday Mail owned by government are notorious for not stating the truth but propaganda in praise of the government of the day) in Zimbabwe and be prepared to hear the unravelling stories about de-industrialisation in Zimbabwe during 2013 going forward.

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