Environmental Science and Toxicology

The problem of getting quality water is increasing as untreated effluents are discharged into surface water bodies. The study aim at assessing the impact of wastes generated from commercial activities such as abattoir, sawmill and locust beans processing activities on the Ogun river. The physical, chemical and bacteriological parameters were investigated in the month of May, July and September at the Upstream, Point of Discharged and Downstream. The results of the study revealed that all of the measured parameters show significant difference in their mean except pH and Temperature. The ranges of the means values of all the parameters measured for pH, Temperature, TDS, Cl2, NO3, PO4, Pb, Zn, Cu, BOD5, DO, COD, TS, TSS and Feacal Coliform were 6.14-7.30, 24.3-27.5oC, 98-200mg/l, 380-1880mg/l, 35-205mg/l, 52-250mg/l, 0.01-0.6mg/l, 0.01-0.72mg/l, 0.01-0.09mg/l, 10-35.89mg/l, 0.1-8.82mg/l, 350-2500mg/l, 1020-40,000mg/l, 690-7000mg/l and 850-9900cfu/ml respectively. From the values, it was discovered that the values Cl2, NO3, PO4, Pb, COD, TS, TSS and Feacal Coliform exceeded the permissible limits of both the WHO and FEPA standard for drinking and wastewater effluent. Pollution of Ogun River water along it courses is evidenced by the high concentrations of pollution indicators, nutrients and trace metals above the acceptable limits. The current water quality status of River Ogun from the discharge of abattoir waste, wood and locust bean processing therefore poses both environmental and health hazards to users. The study showed a need for continuous pollution monitoring programme of surface water in Ogun state. In order to redress this trend and ensure public health safety, Ogun river will need adequate waste treatment before discharge into the water body.

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