Environmental Science and Toxicology

Indoor air pollution from traditional fuels and cooking stoves is potentially a large health threat in rural regions. This paper reports the results of a survey of types of fuel consumption and health among the 150 households in village Manjheeva Sani of Banda district. Firewood ,dung cake, Coal, Kerosene, Agricultural waste, were found to be the major fuels consumed by the villagers whereas dry leaves, shreds of cloth, plastic, etc are consumed in very less proportion. Wood of Acacia nilotica is found to be consumed maximum followed by Madhuca longifolia wood. Azadirachta indica wood is consumed the minimum. About 17.30 % people were found to be lung infected and 48.07% were suffering from the eye related problems among all the diseased reported. 34.61% people were found to be suffering from the other problems like cough and cold, headache, body pain, vomiting etc .We cannot rule out the possibility that the level of observed respiratory illness and eye sight weakness is due other factors that also contribute to a household’s decision to use a traditional stove, such as poverty, health preferences and the bargaining power of the women in the household.

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