Arts, Social Science and Humanities

The objective of this Paper is to explore whether a project of a grand coalition against the ruling ZANU PF (Zimbabwe African National-Union Patriotic Front. The party is notorious for bad governance which was in contrast with the democratic trend in neighbouring peer countries such as South Africa, Mozambique and Zambia, among others, famous for good governance. ZANU PF has been the ruling party in Zimbabwe since independence from Britain in 1980, led by His Excellence President Mugabe, first as prime minister and then as president from 1988 after the merger with ZAPU and retaining the name ZANU PF (Makurumidze, 2014) in Zimbabwe is a viable project for the opposition parties. After a successful literature review and a research methodology, it is the author’s tradition to proffer a summary, conclusion and some recommendations to wrap up the discourse in this paper after which follows a statement on the key assumption and a short prayer for Zimbabwe so that the country embraces good governance to earn a certain measure of respect from the West (West as used in this context refers to the United States of America, European Union, Canada, Australia and New Zealand).

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