This paper examines ethical leadership of managers in organization in Jubail City Saudi Arabia. Ethical leadership Questionnaire (ELQ) developed by Yukl (2013) was adopted and employed to collect data relating to ethical leadership of 30 managers in various organizations in Jubail City Saudi Arabia. Result indicate that most managers in various organization in Saudi Arabia are in totally agreement that ethical issues such as communicating clear ethical standards for member, being honest and can be trusted to tell the truth, insist on doing what is fair and ethical even if it is not easy, acknowledges mistakes and taking responsibility for them, and regard honesty and integrity as important personal values were things that most of them were in total agreement. Most of the managers were in disagreement with relation to issues related holding members accountable for using ethical practice in their work and putting the needs of others above their own self-interest, being fair and objective when evaluating member performance and providing rewards, and finally setting out an example of dedication and self-sacrifice for the organization.

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