Arts, Social Science and Humanities

The paper is specifically focused on the assessment of the level performance and the areas of cooperation in the East Africa with specific emphasis on the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) and to seek ways for more fruitful relationship among the member state for the betterment of all the members of the union and to see if it is possible to widen the scope of operation. Secondary sources of data collection were used and contextually analyzed and neo-functionalist theory was adopted as the tool of analysis. The findings of the paper are: all the members of IGAD belong to more than one regional group; there is Infrastructural deficit; many of the potentials are not well utilized; Inadequate capacity and resources among countries of the IGAD; Conflicting attitude towards regional integration; The countries in the region have similar resources which account for lack of comparative advantage; Insecurity and political instability; Water Scarcity and Management of Shared Water Resources. This research sought to provide answers to the following questions: for what purpose was IGAD establish? How has the IGAD carried out its set objectives? How can the organization improve on its strategies and scope of operations, membership, and achievement? What are the internal effects of regional integration? Lastly the study arrived at the following recommendations: Member states should be persuaded to ensure that they do not belong to too many regional groups; Effort should be made towards improving on the region’s weak transport infrastructure; Countries in the region should be encouraged to adopt energy policies and established regulatory frameworks to liberalize the power sector; That it should pursue an aggressive capacity building and mobilization of resources among countries of the IGAD; That effort should be increased to relate well with the close neighbours that could allow them channel water from the region to the landlocked areas; The IGAD should Intensify Collaborative efforts leading to compromise and ultimate resolution of conflicts that will strengthen regional integration process; and The organization should ensure that countries that are conflicting over similar resources are helped to identify complementary areas of activities based on their comparative advantage and diversify them accordingly.

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