Today, employer branding is considered as the most important business strategy at international level. The role of this process is transforming an organization identity as an employer. In this study, researchers tried to address attracting and preserving university professors quantitatively and qualitatively through development of employer branding model within the domain of public universities. The methodology of the study was mixed (combined) method and based on Morse combined research method typology (analogue sequential mixed method design). In order to develop employer branding model, both quantitative (analysis of quantitative content) and qualitative (Delphi method or interviews with experts or specialists) approaches were utilized. Furthermore, in order to collect the data for the quantitative content analysis part, library method which is based on books and articles was used and the data for the qualitative Delphi method were collected through conducting interviews by experts and commentators. Considering data analysis in quantitative content analysis of related literature to employer branding context, theoretical model of research included five variables as compensations and benefits, environment and work condition, work-life balance, organizational culture and organization’s reputation was presented. Moreover, data analysis in Delphi method part indicated that two variables of work environment and conditions have the most importance and compensations and benefits have the least importance among university professors. Finally, conceptual model of research or developed employer branding model was presented in Iran’s public sector universities.

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