Much of the work requires the employee to be on their feet and employer, colleagues and student interactions can be stressful, as employees can be verbally abused for service problems that are completely out of their control. This may result to a variety of stressors which can lead to low morale, ill health, conflicts among others. The purpose of this study is to investigate stress management and employee performance by use of psychotherapy as mitigation. Survey research design was used for this study. Purposive sampling, convenient sampling and census sampling was employed in this study. Both descriptive statistics and inferential were used to analyse data. Causes of stress positively correlated to the employee’s performance r =.429, P < .01. The results indicated that work related stress positively correlated to the employee’s performance r =.429, P < .01. Stress coping strategies positively correlated to the employee’s performance r =.634, P < .01 level of significance. Work related stress, causes of stress and stress coping strategies have effect on employee performance. There need for university management to identify suitable stress coping strategies to help reduce stress employee work place stress.

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