Agricultural Science and Soil Sciences

Nigeria is mainly an agrarian society, with the majority of her rural populace involved in agriculture. Agricultural working conditions in Nigeria are extremely difficult due to severe environmental conditions, long working hours, strenuous work and the use of simple farm tools. The extreme working conditions can lead to the development of Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs), which have been recognized as the most prevalent of all safety issues in agriculture. This work reviews the role of ergonomics on sustainable agricultural development in Nigeria. Agriculture plays a key role in the Nigerian economy and hence the need for sustained development within the sector. Ergonomic intervention in Nigeria was identified as a key driver for sustainable development while fostering safety and comfort of agricultural workers. Mechanization alone is not sufficient to achieve the desired development in agriculture due to the high cost associated with it, but with improvement on existing simple tools and modification of existing machines based on ergonomic considerations, sustainable development can be attained.

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