Environmental Science and Toxicology

The recent (COVID19) pandemic is an eye opener for global tertiary institutions towards the integration of smart campus, where a lot of activities needed to be carried out remotely in other to curb the spread of the disease. Smart campus is an emerging trend that allows institutions (universities, polytechnics and colleges) to improve in their knowledge based services, decision making and campus sustainability in other to provide a suitable and stress-free learning environment for students and staff of every school. In other to eliminate the conventional method of learning that are common in most academic institutions, this paper explores the relevance of GIS in operating a smart campus for a sustainable learning environment in institutions. To achieve the purpose of the study, a systematic literature review was conducted by downloading twenty two top and recent articles on smart campus using Google search engine to access different free online journals. Eight journals relating to the study were carefully selected and reviewed after thorough screening of the twenty two numbers of journals downloaded online. The study developed a framework suggesting that GIS tool remains a major and integral tool in operating a smart campus, having its relevance in almost every sector of a sustainable smart campus for proper management, monitoring, access to information, prevention from losing data unnecessarily and above all for connectivity. Thus, the paper recommends that the GIS tools is still very much underutilized in the development of smart campus, emphasizing that GIS technology still has a lots of peculiarities in areas of environment, facilities and technology to human daily activities in operating a successful smart campus.

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