A study on the quality status of cultured clarias gariepinus from 4 Fish farms was carried out. The International Commission of Microbiology Specification for Food (ICMSF 2007) technique was employed to test samples for APC, Escherichia coli MPN estimation, and Enumeration of Staphylococcus aureus, Enumeration of Salmonella spp and Enumeration of Vibrio parahaemolyticus. The APC ranged from 1.1.x103 – 1.5x105 and E. coli MPN ranged from 6.3 – 10.4 were within the prescribed limits. Staphylococcus aureus enumeration of 2.4 x 103, 2.1x104 and 2.0x104 for pond water, skin and gill of Clarias gariepinus respectively in Bagauda fish seed multiplication center exceeded the limit of < 103. Salmonella paratyphi occurrence from Baguda fish seed multiplication center and Fagan fish farm range was 1.2x102-2.1x103 which exceeded the limit of zero stipulated by ICMSF (2007). Pseudomonas aeruginosa (1.1x102-2.7x104), Enterococcus feacalis (1.1x102-1.8x103), Enterobacter aerogenes (1.1x102-1.2x102) and shigella sp (1.2x102) encountered are pathogens of public health importance which exceeded the limit of zero tolerance (WHO 2003) and (EPA 2003).. Statistical analysis (ANOVA) showed significant difference (P<0.05) between bacterial loads in pond water, skin and gill of Clarias gariepinus.