Food Science and Technology

Poultry feeds sold in South Eastern Nigerian States were screened for the presence of saprotrophs. The aim was to ascertain the mycopopulation in the poultry diet. Samples of Starters, Growers, Layers and Finishers mash sold in South- Eastern Nigeria States of Abia, Anambra, Ebonyi, Enugu and lmo States were used in the study. Standard methods of isolation, characterization and identification, involving cultural media, microscopy and statistical analysis of the occurrence frequencies of the isolates were employed in the evaluation. The results showed the presence of Aspergillus flavus, A. niger, Penicillium sp, Rhizopus sp and Yeast in the test feed samples. In the starters mash, A. flavus occurrence range from 20% in Abia state to 40% in Anambara state. In growers mash, the occurrence range from 20% in Enugu state to 40% in Abia. In layers mash, it ranges between 20% in Ebonyi state and 40% in Enugu. In the finishers mash, the range is between 20% in Anambara and 80% in Abia. A niger, starters mash, range from 40% in Imo state to 100% in Abia. Growers mash, 20% in Imo to 80% in Ebonyi, 40% in Anambara to 60% in the rest of the states. Layers mash, 60% in Abia, Enugu and Imo to 100% in Anambara and Ebonyi respectively. Penicillium spp, starters mash, 20% in Abia, Anambara and Ebonyi. Growers mash, 20% in Enugu and Imo and 40% in the rest of the states. Layers mash, the range is from 20% in Abia to 80% in Ebonyi. Finishers mash, 20% in Enugu and Ebonyi to 60% in Abia. Rhizopus spp in starters mash is 20% in Ebonyi and Enugu. Growers mash, 20% in Anambara and 40% in Ebonyi and Enugu. Layers mash, 20% in Abia and Enugu and 40% in Imo. Finishers mash, it is 20% in Imo and 40% in the rest of the states. Yeast in starters mash range between 60% in Imo to 100% in Abia. Growers mash, 40% in Anambra to 100% in Enugu. Layers, 60% in Enugu and Imo to 100% in Abia, Anambara and Ebonyi. Finishers mash, 60% in Abia, Anambara and Imo state and 100% in Ebonyi and Enugu states. The incidence of these deteriorative fungi in feed products and trophic levels is a serious danger, considering mycotoxicosis and other associated health hazards.

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