Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

Regulation of gene transcription is fundamental for function and development of all living organisms. The temporal and spatial expressions of genes are mostly conferred by the nature and frequencies of cis-acting element located within the regulatory region and by appropriate transcriptional factors. Putative cis-acting present within the 5' regulatory region of maize, rice and sorghum Sucrose Phosphate Synthase (SPS) and Sucrose Phosphate Phosphatase (SPP) were thus identified using bioinformatic tools such as PLACE, Plant Pan, plant CARE and Genomatrix Mat inspectors. Cell development, hormonal and environmental responsive elements were identified and these include: TATA, CAAT, ABRE, GARE, W-BOX, GT-1, CURE, MYC, MYB, DRE, RY-motif, CGGB-BOXAT, among others at different frequencies. Furthermore, the structural/evolutionary relationships between the genomic and proteomic sequences predicted using Clustal Omega: EMBL-EBI, Multiple Sequence Alignment and Constrainst Based Protein Multiple Alignment Tool (COBALT) programs respectively, showed very high conservation and homology between the isozymes. This work thus reveals the probable cis-acting regulatory elements that may work in combination with other transcription factors to confer the expression and regulation of these SPS and SPP isozymes. It also shows that these isozymes could have evolved as a result of independent gene duplication from one ancestral sucrose biosynthesis gene.

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