Arts, Social Science and Humanities

Sport engrains in inner discipline, competitive spirit, and friendship, and there is no doubt that physical strength, endurance, social integration and psychological well-being increase with sports. Understanding the benefits of sports for disables children cannot be difficult accordingly. The purpose of the present research is examining positive effects of sports on disabled children. The present research also includes the review of literature on sportive activities of disabled children. Sports contribute to the process of solving problems of social adaptation and loneliness among disabled children and individuals. Among the long-term objectives of activities for children who need special education are, developing positive sense of self, social competence, motor skills, physical and motor fitness, free-time skills, game skills, and creative expressions and eliminating anxiety. Now, private and official sports activities, competitions, and paralympics are organized at regular intervals in order to develop social adaptation, and reveal self-sufficiency abilities of disabled children. Use of sportive activities for rehabilitation and recreation of disabled children is now possible. Sport is becoming more common as a treatment complementary to conventional physical treatment methods. Work-out methods programmed in accordance with disability and age of disabled children can contribute to their social adaptation and psychological well-being.

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