The objective of this study was to determine the role of strategic planning as a monitoring and evaluation tool in the management of projects. The study was carried out in Kakamega County which has 12 constituencies. Four constituencies were randomly sampled, from where five (5) CDF funded projects were purposively identified from each of the constituencies. Large projects that were targeted to cost over one million Kenya shillings were considered for sampling. Five committee members from each of the CDF projects (including chairmen and heads of institutions) were purposively sampled. Other respondents were purposively sampled from Ministries of works and health, community leaders and other stakeholders. Consequently, a total of 120 respondents were targeted out of which 106 respondents availed the data which were collected using questionnaires, document analysis, checklists and interview schedules. Data was analysed both descriptively and inferentially, using of SPSS and Microsoft Excel 2013® suites. Findings indicated that strategic plans were very crucial components of project management. The study concluded that there is need to incorporate strategic plans in project management. Respondents expressed that good strategic plans should be worked out and adhered to during project implementation and completion. Formulation of strategic plans should therefore be spearheaded by constituency stake holders. This study’s outcomes show that those charged with the responsibility of carrying out project monitoring and evaluation (M and E) should be empowered with appropriate knowledge and skills for effective utilization of this tool.

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