Petroleum, Geology and Mining

Well test analysis has been used for many years to assess well condition and obtain reservoir parameters. One of the most useful aids in analyzing gas well performance is the flowing well test. A complete analysis and understanding of the results of an appropriate well test enables one to determine stabilized shut-in reservoir pressure, determine the rate at which a well will flow against gas back pressure and estimate the reservoir flow characteristics. In this study, the pressure transient analysis was perform to measure the initial pressure, estimate a minimum reservoir volume, evaluate the well permeability and skin effect, and identifies heterogeneities and boundaries based on pressure and production data. These parameters was estimated on the basis of pressure data observed at the wellbore and production data using buildup test (MBH) and deliverability test methods. Deliverability test was performed to measure reservoir capabilities. This paper represents the contribution in identifying the effects of wellbore storage along with the skin intensity on gas wells. All the analysis was based on pseudo-pressure and pressure squared method along with generalized charts of type curves.

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