Arts, Social Science and Humanities

This study investigated the effect of social influence on career aspiration of students in the University of Buea. The objectives were; to examine the influence of gender roles on student's career aspiration amongst post graduates, to investigate the influence of Compliance on student's career aspirations amongst post graduate students, to determine the role of Persuasion on student's career aspiration among post graduate students. Based on the nature of the research objectives and questions, the research design adopted for this study was the survey research design particularly the descriptive. The study used a sampled size of 30 using purposive sampling technique. The data was analyzed using thematic analysis which required the transcription of interview recordings and followed coding stages. Initially, the authors read and re-read transcripts in order to identify potential themes. The result showed that social influence has a great influence on student’s career aspirations. Based on this finding, it was recommended that school counsellors and teachers should try and encourage students to seek information on career choice rather than parading peer advice and also sufficient information about careers should be made available to students. We also recommend that primary schools should have counselors, to mold the students at a tender age, to choose a career path and grow in it. When they are oriented at this gender age, they tend to focus on a career path and cannot be easily influenced out of it. Schools and universities should encourage sensitization on campuses to create their awareness for the need of career counseling. Many students are not aware of the services of a guidance counselor.

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