Medicine and Medical Sciences

Heart failure defined as complex of clinical syndrome that can result from cardiac disorder and represent a major health problem, leading cause of mortality and hospitalization of adult older than 65 years in developed countries. Our study aimed to identified socio demographic factors, medical characteristic, etiology, NYHA class, Ejection fraction, length of stay, co morbidities and predict risk of readmission after discharge. To find an answer for this question, we developed a database of 83 patients with 18-83 years, mean age (63.8years) hospitalized with a principal diagnosis of Congestive heart failure. Within 6months, a number 62: 83 patients (74.7%) were readmitted, five variable including longer hospital stay (6.4±5.6 days), accelerated heart rate (79.0±10.6), low income (less than 1500 shekels), potassium level (4.87±0.6) and low education level (33.9% illiterate) were identified as significant independent predictors of readmission by multivariate logistic regression analysis. We concluded that knowing these factors, intervention, and better surveillance to decrease the readmission of these patients is needed.


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