Medicine and Medical Sciences

Pregnancy causes numerous changes in the woman’s body that increase the likelihood of Urinary Tract Infections (UTI’s). UTI’s during pregnancy is associated with risks to both the fetus and the mother, and Escherichia coli (E.coli) is the most common cause. The aim of this study was to determine prevalence of urinary tract infections (UTI’s) during pregnancy, risk factors and antimicrobial susceptibility profiles of associated bacterial pathogens in Khartoum Hospitals. A cross-sectional hospital-based study, conducted among 230 pregnant women attending antenatal clinics. Their socio-demographic profile and risk factors obtained using a structured questionnaire. Urine samples tested microbiologically by standard procedures. Kirby-Bauer technique performed for testing commonly used antimicrobial agents by measuring the susceptibility of the isolated organisms according to CLSI guidelines. Out of 230 pregnant women included; 47 (20.4%) had a significant bacteriuria, (40.4%; 19/47) was symptomatic, and (59.6%; 28/47) was asymptomatic UTIs. Among pregnant women who had significant bacteriuria, only 1 (2.1%) had history of UTI during this pregnancy and 46 (97.9%) had no history. Gram-negative bacteria were more prevalent (68.1%). E.coli was the common isolate (31.9%; 15/47). More than 60% of the total isolated bacterial pathogens were resistance to ampicillin, amoxyclave and clindamycin, followed by ≥ 35% to 3rd generation cephalosporins, nitrofurantoin and norofloxacin. UTI are prevalent in pregnant women in Sudan, regardless age, parity and gestational age. The significant bacteriuria, signs and symptoms, and a previous UTI were found significantly associated with UTI’s during pregnancy. Resident social class and employment status were protective, while other factors such as high level of education, parity, history of abortion were not protective. The E. coli was the common isolate and carbapenems, aminoglycosides, quinolones were the drug of choice. Therefore, UTI screening is essential during pregnancy.

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