Arts, Social Science and Humanities

The last century has witnessed great turmoil for the humanity. The growing poverty and increasing wealth for few only thus creating extreme frustration and sense of disparity among the masses all over the world, poverty pushes children from poor families on to the streets in order to survive the phenomenon of street children in multi-faced. The combination of family, economic, social, emotional and political factors or stresses plays an important role in the situation over the past few years; the world has witnessed an increase in the number of children on the streets, to an extent that today the numbers have reached epidemic proportions. Poverty, physical and mental abuse, negligence and family problems are major factor that leads to take refuge in the streets. However once out of their own, they have very little chance of finding assistance and encounter dangers and excesses that are sometime fatal to them hurt , sick and deprived of everything from prostitution because an easy way to earn more money. The girls living on the street are the most striking example of the failure of family system and social policies universally all children lack power toward off abuse and exploitation, but street children are even more vulnerable because they do not have parents to protect them, while absolute poverty nullifies any possibilities of protection either by the community or by the state. Researcher wants to identify and analyze the problems faced by the street girls in Karachi through this study.

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