Food Science and Technology

Quantifying the bioactive compounds present in plant parts (leaves and roots). This study aimed to perform comprehensive qualitative phytochemical analysis  and antimicrobial  analysis of extract of leaves and roots of p.angulata. phytochemicals test where carried out on the extracts to detect the presence of phytochemicals such as phenols, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, tannins and terpenoids etc. Different chemical tests were employed to confirm the presence of these compounds. The color change indicates the presence of specific phytochemicals. The results obtained from the qualitative analysis revealed the presence of phenols, flavonoids, saponins, alkaloids, tannins, terpenoids, phlobatannins, anthraquinones, glycosides and steroids in both the leaves and roots part of the plant. However the results of the antimicrobial test obtained from the extracts of  both leaves and roots extracts of Physalis angulata revealed that both the crude extracts of the leaves and roots inhibited Anti-microbial activities against Bacillus species, Styphylococcus aureus, Plasmodium parasites and Streptococcus species except the leaves  extract of acetone which does not act against Styphylococcus aureus. The facts that the plant was active against laboratory isolates are also an indication that the plant parts has medicinal values and Potential therapeutic or pharmacological properties. The findings of this analysis can be further utilized for developing drugs, functional foods, or dietary supplements with specific phytochemical.

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