Medicine and Medical Sciences

Sex education is one in all the foremost controversial issue of the school, college programme. It involves students in extracurricular activities such as debate, in which their voices are quieter than usual. Parents and instructors have to speak about these challenges with the youth. Teenagers and adolescents are more interested in learning about such topics, and they strive to learn about them on their own from the available sources. However, such issues can now be found in music, television shows, internet, radio, and periodicals. They are easily accessible to the youth (Phillips and Fine 2016). The primary goal of the study is to determine the knowledge and perception of the university of Lahore students regarding the sex education. For the purpose of collecting data, a close ended questionnaire was used and the consent form was attached with the questionnaire. We ensure the participant that their information will be secret and confidential and not shared with anyone. We give 20 min to all participants to fill the questionnaire. Then the questionnaire will be collected and put for analysis. We also use the online data collection method. In which we made a link and sent it to the participants for filling it up. Knowledge of the participants regarding the sex education shows that 7.5% of the people have good knowledge, 91% have moderate knowledge and 1% people had poor knowledge. Likewise, 6.2% of the people have good perception, 29% have moderate perception and 64% people have poor perception. The results show that the image of sex education needs to be change for the youth and to make an improvement to meet the reproductive and sexual needs among the youth. Most of the students involve in the sexual activities through the smart phone. There needs to make a restriction in watching the adult content that spread all over the internet and they become sexually aware of all the dirty things that is not supposed to be known by them at that age. So, the appropriate sexual education programs should be conducted for the teenagers or adult students in the college or university level. HIV ratio is also increasing day by day due to the unsafe sexual activities.

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