The fourth industrial revolution is transforming our world at a staggering pace, with never-before dreamt of innovation accelerating the move away from mechanical and analog electronic technology towards STAARA technology. The impact of the fourth industrial revolution on the education sector will be huge. Educators need to investigate the future to determine what should be done to be relevant and serve society in the future. This paper will focus on the intensity of the technology that shapes the future of education and to understand the competencies expected for the teachers. The major challenges in the next few years will be coherent learning, customized learning, a rethinking of human-machine hybrid work. To cope with these pervasive challenges, education must prepare teachers to educate learners to function effectively. A wider change in higher education systems is needed to respond to the increased use of digital learning technology in education. All institutions need to work together to ensure that digital education and a blend of human teachers with robotic teachers to provide quality education for all.

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