Environmental Science and Toxicology

Schistosoma haematobium infection among Tsangaya School Children in Bulabulin Ward, in Nguru Town, was carried out between July to August 2013. A total of 200 samples were collected and examined for egg and ova of S.haematobium using sedimentation techniques in 4 selected schools, A Structured questionnaires were administered to the subjects of the target population in order to determine infection in relation to sources of water and toilet facilities. Schistosoma haematobium was found in 110 (55%) of the urine samples examined. The prevalence of 21% of schistosoma haematobium was recorded in Mallam Basiru’s school while the lowest rate was 8% in late MallamIshaq’s school other are MallamSidi and Mall. Bello with infection rate of 62 and 32 % respectively. The age group between 11-13 years recorded the highest rate of infection with24.5%, while the least were demonstrated in age group of 17-19 with 5.6%. However, the infection in relation to source of water, those who use hand pump a total of 26% were infected of which MSIT recorded high rate of infection with 50% the least was reported in MBST and LMIT both with 33.3%.Infection rate of children who use lake was 76% with MBST had infected with 73% while 40% was recorded in MBLT, high rate of infection were found in children who use nearby bush for defecation with 67%, and 45% in MBST and LIMT respectively. While 11% were infected among those who use pit latrine for defecation among Tsangaya School, children that were studied. The findings of the study revealed that inadequate provision of potable water poor toilet facility contribute to the spread of S. haematobium among the Tsangaya school children. It was recommended that public enlightenment and sensitization program on environmental sanitation should be intensified, this will help to reduce the burden of schistosoma haematobuim infection in the area.

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