Biochemistry and Bioinformatics

Canine parvovirus enteritis is a highly contagious serious disease of young dogs under the age of 6- 20 weeks. Infected puppies shed virus in their faeces thereby contaminating the environment and increasing the chances of infection of naive puppies. All puppies are at one point at great risk of infection even after vaccination because of period of “window of susceptibility”. Therefore, dog owners should strictly observe good hygiene and disinfection of their environment and adequate exposure of contaminated formites to sunlight and heat to destroy the virus. This case in a 6 months female mixed (Alsatian and Rottweiler) breed dog recorded frank foul smelly bloody diarrhea, emaciation, anorexia, and severe vomiting. This report therefore reviewed a tentative diagnosis of parvovirus enteritis disease in dog with a view to highlight ways of management.

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