Environmental Science and Toxicology

The influence of groundwater contamination is on the rise especially within the industrial vicinity as a result of carelessness as observed in many mechanic villages in Nigeria. The objective of this study is to determine the presence and concentration of heavy metals within the demonstrated area so as to ascertain the long term effect of those activities on the resultant environment. The study was carried out at mechanic villages at Kotopo and Ajebo around Abeokuta, Ogun state. Water sample was collected from each location making up for a total of 10 samples and was analysed for the physical, chemical and heavy metals using standard procedures. The study revealed that all physical and chemical parameters are within the W.H.O standard except for nitrate. Also, of all the eight heavy metals analysed, only cadmium (0.059 mg/L) and cobalt (0.106 mg/L) exceeds the W.H.O standard. Lead, copper, nickel and iron were below the detection limit in the water samples in many cases. The study concludes that the rate of heavy metal leaching into groundwater is relatively slow compared to the workload that involved heavy metals in the study area and this is because of lack of permeability of the substance through the soil because of oil surfaces. Except for nitrate (21.88 mg/L), other chemical parameters also are within the W.H.O recommended standard. Nevertheless, precautions must be taken in order to prevent the excess leaching of heavy metal in the nearest future.


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