Environmental Science and Toxicology

Quality of water is of basic importance to human physiology and man’s continued existence depends much on its availability. This study assessed the physicochemical and bacterial quality of River Galma around Dakace industrial layout, Zaria, Nigeria. Four stations were chosen spatially along the water course to reflect a consideration of all possible human activities that are capable of changing the quality of the river water. The water samples were collected monthly for four consecutive months (June to September, 2011) at the four sampling locations. Most probable number (MPN/100 index, total coliform count, total heterotrophic bacteria count, pH, water temperature, turbidity levels and chloride levels were analyzed. The total heterotrophic bacteria count (THB) of the samples ranged from 2.1 × 104 to 4.0 × 109 CFU/ml while the total coliform counts were greater than 2400. Findings from this work showed that water temperature and pH were within the permissible limits of World Health Organization (WHO) standard. The low chloride levels could be attributed to the fact that the chloride was diluted out because of raining season. However, the turbidity levels were higher than World Health Organization (WHO) standard. Also the quality of the water is poor microbiologically because of high total coliform counts and THB recorded which are above the WHO set standards. The water is thus not potable or useful for domestic and agricultural purposes without some forms of physical and chemical treatment.

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