Medicine and Medical Sciences

Children spend most of the time in school where they are exposed to various types of injuries, which influence their present and future state of health. First aid is the treatment of any injury or illness before availability of medical aid. Teacher is the key person who can attend the children for injuries in school through complete knowledge regarding first aid. This study was done among primary school teachers to evaluate the effectiveness of education program on knowledge and practice regarding first aid.  The objective of this study was to evaluate the effect of first aid health education program on knowledge, and practice of primary school teachers in River Nile. Pre and post interventional study design was used to evaluate the effect of first aid training program on knowledge and practice of primary school teachers . Data was derived from 45 respondents participating from AL-matama locality which selected by non-probability convenience sampling technique. Structural questionnaire for knowledge and checklist for practice of first aid practice. Data collected pre and immediate post implementation of first aid health education program. Data analyzed by SPSS version 25. Knowledge about first aid improved from Inadequate 44(97.8%), moderately adequate 1.0(2.2%) and adequate 0.0(0.0%) in pre intervention to Inadequate 0.0(0.0%), moderately adequate 8.0(17.8%) and adequate 37(82.2%) post intervention, while also showed improvement in practice from inadequate 45(100%), moderately adequate 0.0(0.0%), and adequate 0.0(0.0%) in pre intervention to Inadequate 0.0(0.0%), moderately adequate 4.0(8.9%) and adequate 41(91.1%) post intervention. Paired sample t-test revealed that the mean post-test knowledge score regarding first aid is significantly higher (77.25±3.53) than that of mean pretest knowledge score (39.57± 6.82) (P < 0.001)); mean posttest practice score was significantly higher (85.35 ± 7.29) then mean pretest practice score (30.56± 8.61) (P < 0.001). There is highly increased in Average Percent of correct Answers in knowledge and practice post intervention in relation to pre intervention in all first aid items, there is no significant correlation between education and knowledge practice score pre and post since p-value > 0.05.The result of the study showed effectiveness of the first aid health education program in improving teacher’s knowledge, and is highly effective in improving practice, supported hypotheses.

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