Medicine and Medical Sciences


Cell cultures as model systems in breast cancer research

Radostina Alexandrova, Desislav Dinev, Iva Gavrilova-Valchеva, Ivan Gavrilov

Page: 73 - 79

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)


The Plasmapheresis in the Treatment of Guillain-Barré Syndrome Associated with Primary Enteric Neuropathy, Case Report. Up-Date Data from Literature

Lungu Mihaela, Sapira Violeta

Page: 66 - 72

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)

Case Report

Assessment of Knowledge Regarding Risk Factors Leading to Miscarriages among Pregnant Women in Balochistan

Muhammad Samsoor Zarak

Page: 58 - 65

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)

Original Research Article

Prevention of Infective Endocarditis, should Developing Country have Concern with the Guidelines?

Atif H. Alzahrani, Abdulhalim Jamal Kinsara

Page: 54 - 57

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)

Original Research Article

Prognostic importance of some hormones in menopausal women in Babylon City-Iraq

Reem Abdul Raheem Mirdan Alsaad

Page: 49 - 53

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)

Original Research Article

Graft selection in reconstruction of anterior cruciate ligament–a biomechanical study

Soare Gabriela, Baciu Cosmin Constantin, Vișoianu Andrei, Popescu Gheorghe Ion, Barbilian Gheorghe Adrian

Page: 40 - 48

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)

Original Research Article

Factors Affecting Treatment Outcome in Traumatic Intracerebral Hematomas

Hakan Somay, Murat Dosoglu

Page: 35 - 39

Med. and Med. Sciences February 2019 vol. 7(2)

Original Research Article