Medicine and Medical Sciences


The diagnostic value of 0.2 Tesla low-field open MR imaging in the detection of meniscal tears

Cihan Solak, Bozkurt Gulek, Eda Soker

Page: 60 - 65

Med. and Med. Sciences January 2014 vol. 2(1)

Original Research Article

The orthopaedic quandary of hip fractures in patients with Alzheimer’s disease require appropriate prevention strategy

Yassin Mustafa, Bowirrat Abdalla

Page: 12 - 18

Med. and Med. Sciences January 2014 vol. 2(1)

Original Research Article

The effect of hormonal contraceptives on platelet count of women in Sokoto State North Western Nigeria

Isaac I. Z, John R.T, Erhabor O.

Page: 7 - 11

Med. and Med. Sciences January 2014 vol. 2(1)

Original Research Article

Focus on basic principles of biopsy: A review

Prasant MC, Fareedi Mukram Ali

Page: 1 - 6

Med. and Med. Sciences January 2014 vol. 2(1)
